Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack Wiki

Close Combat Weapons are a variety of weapons used by mobile frames at hand-to-hand combat ranges.

Frame Combat Knife[]

Frame Combat Knife
The 1.5m duralin blade on a mobile frame combat knife such as this one is a simple but effective method of defeating sophisticated armor.

Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack rulebook, pg. 32

"Eshaku Ghanatehe" Claws[]

Ijad Eshaku Ghanatehe
Ijad "Eshaku Ghanatehe" claws mimic the fighting weapons of the ghanat, allowing the ghanat inside the Scrambler to react with its natural instincts in a fight - talent most Ijad lack.

Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack rulebook, pg. 39

System Loadout[]


See Also[]

Fusion Edge

Sources Main Source: Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack Rulebook
